Category: PnP Modern Search
From Valo Intranet to OOTB SharePoint Online: What now?
Intro As organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation, the impending deprecation of Valo Intranet—scheduled for summer 2025—presents a critical opportunity for businesses to reassess their intranet solutions. With Valo no longer receiving updates, migrating to SharePoint Intranet is not just advisable; it’s essential for maintaining operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Case for Migration Currently, many organizations…
Pretty little FAQ
Many of my clients have the need for an FAQ on their intranet. The traditional way is still the way: using lists. But let’s make this more user friendly. As a sort of “UI for the back end” I always add the list as a tab in Microsoft Teams, using the Microsoft Lists app. This…
Making the Image column in a SharePoint more useful [to me]
Say you want to build a “call-to-action” type functionality with Audience Targeting to your SharePoint intranet utilizing PnP Modern Search – maybe something like this: A natural place to store the text and publishing values in a list. And since we now have the Image column, it seems like a natural place to place an…
Creating a refiner for Audience Targeting labels in SharePoint
When creating search experiences, the built in refiner “Audiences” returns a GUID, which is useful if you want to match the results with {User.Audience}. I.e. “(ModernAudienceAadObjectIds:{User.Audiences} OR NOT IsAudienceTargeted:true)”, which should return items audience targeted to the current user, as well as results that are not audience targeted at all. But back to the topic.…