When a customer with tons of sites needs to change the search scope, there are several ways to approach this.
One solution is to create a PnP PowerShell script. In this example we’ll change the search scope to tenant (Organization).
Steps to success:
- Create a service account with SharePoint Administrator privileges.
- Download a list of all the sites on your tenant from the SharePoint admin panel as a CSV-file (Export). If you need to exclude sites, this is the time to do it – remove the sites you don’t want to touch from the downloaded list.
- If there are several hundred sites, split your CSV file and do the next step in chunks.
- Edit the fields CSVPath, ServiceAccount and TenantName in the script below.
- Run the script and login from the service account when prompted.
#Set Parameters
$CSVPath = "./AllSites.csv"
$ServiceAccount = "username@tenantname.no"
$TenantName = "tenantname"
#Fetch sites from the CSV file
$SiteList = Import-CSV $CSVPath
$i = 0;
$TotalRecords = $SiteList.Count
Connect-PnPOnline -Url https://$TenantName-admin.sharepoint.com/ -Interactive
#Iterate through each row from the CSV-file and deploy in script.
try {
ForEach ($Record in $SiteList)
Write-Progress -activity "Adding Site '$($Record.'Url')'" -status "$i out of $TotalRecords completed"
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $Record.'URL' -Owners "$ServiceAccount"
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $Record.'URL' -Interactive
#change default search scope
Set-PnPSearchSettings -SearchScope Tenant -SearchBoxPlaceholderText "Søk her..."
Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Owners "$ServiceAccount"
catch {
Write-Host "There was an error, see details below:"
Write-Host $_ //Print the potential errors
Drink some coffee and enjoy your new search scope.
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